Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Happens When Daddy's in Charge

Let me be abundantly clear here: I love that my husband is such a partner when it comes to raising the children.  Not every wife has a husband that would be cool with watching the kiddos while she ran around town going to meetings and judging at a high school debate tournament all day on a Saturday.  My husband is just such a father, and I am so blessed to have him!

Having said that...some funny things can happen when Daddy is in charge all day.

Case in point:

When I left the house at 7:45 this morning, the kids were at various stages of dress.  Joshua, who woke up at 5:30 am (as usual...sigh...) was in the process of picking out clothes from his dresser.  Anna was in the bathtub.  And Matthew was in the plain white onesie we had used as jammies the night before.

I didn't get home till 3:00 in the afternoon, and when I arrived at the house I discovered everyone was playing in the backyard.  There was Joshua in his David Wright Mets shirt and athletic pants, his standard weekend wear. There was Anna in a blue T-shirt and jeans - if Daddy is in charge, there will be no pink involved.  Neither were wearing shoes, but it was a warm day, so that was not surprising.

And...there was Matthew.

Running around barefoot in the backyard.

Still in the the jammies onesie. 


I said, "Hey honey - why is Matthew still in the clothes he slept in?"

Sean looked at me, perplexed, looked at Matthew, looked back at me and said "I don't know - didn't seem to need anything different."

And thus is the difference in perspective between Mommy and Daddy!


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